Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fooled by April (Or, the Rookie Strike Zone)

Somehow, the end of March fogged me up, with its renogade snow storms and relentless gray.

I missed chronicling high school basketball, I spaced out on Leonard Nimoy's 80th birthday (otherwise known as Blaiserblog's Second Blogiversary), and I completely missed sinking the calendrical boat with spinily barbed April Fool's witticisms. It's almost as if I've forgotten the basics...

I've been too distracted by the glorious return of baseball, possibly, and for my punishment, the hyperbolic Red Sox have gone 0-3 thus far in the 2011 season.

And so, I will make amends to the gods of ash and leather by attempting to live-blog the Sox Home Opener at Fenway Park versus.... Oh you know, Those Other Guys.

"Point" your browsers, your aluminum-foil-hat-antennae, and your birch water-dowsing sticks at this space on Friday, April 8. Coverage begins at 1:45 p.m. EDT. First pitch is rumored at 2:05, with the alleged John Lackey on the mound. (If it were me, I'd start Wakefield and call it a day.) I'll even be turning comment moderation off, so feel free to spout off, as one does.

In the meantime, rent yourself a VHS copy of "Bull Durham" and get hip to arguably the best result thusfar of this American Experiment we like to call home.* And go watch some spring ball in your neighborhood park diamond. They drafted me to umpire my kid's scrimmage the other day and I wound up calling six innings of balls and strikes to 5th and 6th graders. I loved it so much, I may foul-tip my way onto the Umpire Committe. Surprisingly, my son's still speaking to me, despite Saturday's elastic, rookie strike zone.

That's all any of us are doing, really--calling 'em as we see 'em. Life being what it is, hopefully we spray our mistakes in an even-handed manner.

Thanks for stopping by, and please remember that just because you can't buy my blog posts on the Home Shopping Network, it doesn't mean that the shrewd reader won't find an amazing deal on some deeply discounted prose. So poke around a bit.

* Undoubtedly among the most awful sentences I've ever written.

1 comment:

  1. i am now looking forward to riding my bike 'downtown' to the local AAA Farm Club ball park, buying a ticket and some peanuts, and sitting on the grass in right field some sunny spring sunday!
